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For groups & workshops addressing fertility specifically, please visit Moonstone Fertility's website.


This two-day workshop will guide you through an engaging and creative body mapping process that combines art making, somatic mindfulness, and storytelling. It’s an opportunity for you to discover new ways of relating to yourself, increase self-compassion, and have a better view of who you are. You will gain an understanding of yourself, connect to your body, and re-own it!

Join Us In Person In Saskatoon On October 15th & October 22nd

Imagine the possibilities….

What would your life be if you were able to accept yourself, and embrace your body?
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Who is this workshop for?

ANY Women who are:

  • Tired of judging and comparing themselves to others

  • Feeling pain and stress due to worrying about their bodies

  • Fed up of society’s unrealistic beauty standards

  • Beating themselves up for who they are or how their body looks


Through this evidence-based, and creative process that explores different aspects of the self, we’ll turn shame into deep acceptance of yourself!

This workshop aims to help you:


  • Feel more in-tune with the body you’ve got

  • Have a more respectful and positive self-talk

  • Be proud of who you are

  • Develop the mindset to love what you see in the mirror

  • Fearlessly let your unique self shine

  • Have confidence in your inner and outer strengths

  • Stop apologizing for your body shape, or for who you are.


Most importantly, my commitment to you is to provide a space/give you the tools to feel damn good about yourself!

Please note:


Space is limited to 8 participants to ensure safety, maximum participation, and depth of personal process. 



A series of directives and mindfulness exercises will allow you to:

- create a life-sized and personalized portrait of your body, and life journey

- visualize and pinpoint places in your body where you carry specific emotions and experiences

- express your story using painting, drawing, collage and other artistic tools

- critically examine the bad messages their body is surrounded by




DATES AND TIMES: Saturday October 15th from 9am to 4:30pm, and Sunday October 22nd from 9am to 12:30pm

LOCATION: 615 B Main Street, Saskatoon

COST: $550 (A receipt will be provided for health insurance claim purposes)

* Early bird rate: $450 if paid on or before October 8th


MATERIALS: Materials are supplied and included in cost. Your body map will be portable for you to take with you at the end of the workshop.

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