without feeling overwhelmed
Most couples pray for an easy childbirth, one that is joyful, spiritual, painless and calm. But what happens when your experience doesn't go as planned? What happens when it was the opposite experience of what you had hoped for?
For many, giving birth is a happy and positive experience but it's not for everyone. The sad truth is approximately 1 out of 7 mothers feel like their birth experience was traumatic or disappointing in some way. Birth trauma can lead to postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder (P-PTSD), which is a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD) that can impact the mother, father, and the family as a whole.
Signs of P-PTSD include:
feeling easily irritated, jumpy, ractive
on-guard or careful
having intrusive memories of the event
ambivalence about a subsequent pregnancy
You may find it difficult to move forward and to connect with your baby, yourself, and/or with others. A birth trauma can occur from direct or perceived negative experiences during labour and the delivery process. It can be traumatic when it includes:
Long labour, or a short and very painful delivery
Feeling helpless, powerless, a sense of having no control
Poor pain relief
Receiving hostile or difficult attitude from the people around you
Feelings of not being heard, uncared for or alone
Absence of information or explanation
Loss of dignity, lack of privacy
High levels or low level of medical interventions
Fear for your life or your baby's life during labour and birth
Baby's stay in NICU
Giving birth is one of the most life-changing events a person will go through and my hope is that we find peace together with your experience. Processing it and healing from it will allow you to create more distance from what happened.